

Your Event | your people

 Events@Myarkit was founded with a noble purpose: to curate and securely store precious memories for future generations. In today’s digital age, where thousands of pictures and videos are captured but often lack context or meaning, preserving these memories becomes increasingly important.

By providing a platform where users can store their memories securely, Events@Myarkit aims to ensure that these moments are not lost or forgotten. This addresses the common concerns surrounding storing memories on devices, cloud services, or social media platforms, which may not guarantee longevity or privacy.

Having a curated collection of memories with meaningful stories attached can enrich the experience of revisiting them in the future. It adds depth and emotion to what might otherwise be just a collection of digital files.

By emphasizing security and longevity, Events@Myarkit offers a solution that prioritizes preserving memories for generations to come. This can be particularly valuable in an era where digital artifacts are increasingly central to how we record and remember our lives.

“We give individuals control over their life story. We empower people to share their legacy in their own words. You provide future generations with the stories and the history of their past”   Noah, CEO MyArkit Inc.

Look forward to Enjoying your Past..


Events@Myarkit provides a valuable service by allowing users to securely archive their events and memories with friends for future generations. The emphasis on easy access and control over who can view the archived content adds an extra layer of privacy and personalization. This approach addresses the need for secure and long-lasting storage of memories while also recognizing the importance of sharing those memories with specific individuals. By allowing users to choose who has access to their archived events, Events@Myarkit enables a more tailored and intimate experience for both archiving and accessing memories. This kind of platform can foster deeper connections between friends and family members by facilitating the sharing of meaningful moments and memories. It also ensures that these memories are preserved in a way that is both secure and accessible, enhancing their value for generations to come.


Indeed, envisioning people enjoying shared memories from special events years from now is a powerful aspect of what Events@Myarkit offers. Imagine future generations flipping through photos and videos from weddings, birthdays, graduations, and other significant moments, feeling connected to their family history and the stories behind those events. These shared memories have the potential to transcend time and distance, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity across generations. They serve as a bridge between the past and the present, allowing individuals to glimpse into the lives and experiences of their ancestors. Ultimately, the joy and nostalgia derived from revisiting these shared memories can be immeasurable, creating a legacy that extends far beyond the individuals who originally captured them.